Music Appreciation Sessions​

A unique feature of a great Hindustani classical music concert is that the overall experience depends not only upon the virtuosity of the artist but also upon the quality of the appreciative audience. One of the objectives of Shadaj is to cultivate a community of good active listeners.

Music Appreciation through conversation with the artists:
Most Shadaj concerts are preceded by a music appreciation session where the audience gets exposure to the intricacies of music in a unique interactive session with the artist.

Lecture series:
Many of us who enjoy music are often curious about the basic principles behind the music, both technical and aesthetic. A basic introduction to elementary aspects of music enhances the listening experience and helps us appreciate the art better. Shadaj collaborates with the local community organizations, school systems and audiences at large to provide introductory lecture demonstrations.

  • Introduction to Indian Classical Music
  • Taal (Rhythm) system in Indian Classical Music
  • Raag system in Indian Classical Music
  • Similarities and Differences between Jazz and Indian classical music

For more information about this, please reach out to: